1.Youlatos D. (1991). Etude morphométrique du tarse, astragale et calcanéum de Mesopithecus pentelicus, Wagner 1839 (Cercopithecoidea, Primates). Comparaison avec les formes actuelles et interprétation fonctionnelle. Mémoire D.E.A., Université Paris VII-Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, 98 pp + 6 planches
2.Youlatos D. (1994). Maitrîse de l'espace et accès aux ressources chez le singe hurleur roux (Alouatta seniculus) de la Guyane Française. Etude morpho-fonctionnelle. Doctorat, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France Vol. I (141 pp) + Vol. II (171 pp).
1. Youlatos D. (1993). Passages within a discontinuous canopy: Bridging in the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus). Folia primatologica, 61:144-147.
2. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (1994). Critical foraging locomotor patterns: Head-first vertical descent in the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus). Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie, 80: 65-77.
3. Youlatos D. (1996). Atelines, apes, and wrist joints. Folia primatologica, 67: 193-198.
4. Hunt K.D., Cant J.G.H., Gebo D.L., Rose M.D., Walker S.E., Youlatos D. (1996). Standardized descriptions of primate locomotor and postural modes. Primates, 37: 363- 387.
5. Youlatos D. (1998). Seasonal variation in the positional behavior of red howling monkeys. Primates, 39: 447-455.
6. Youlatos D. (1998). Positional behavior of two sympatric Guianan capuchin monkeys: The brown capuchin (Cebus apella) and the wedge-capped capuchin (Cebus olivaceus). Mammalia, 62: 351-365.
7. Youlatos D. (1999). Comparative locomotion of six sympatric primates in Ecuador. Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie et Biologie Animale), 20: 161-168.
8. Youlatos D. (1999). Positional behavior of Cebuella pygmaea in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador. Primates, 40: 543-550.
9. Youlatos D. (1999). Locomotor and postural behavior of Sciurus igniventris and Microsciurus flaviventer (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in eastern Ecuador. Mammalia, 63: 405- 416.
10. Youlatos D. (1999). Tail use in capuchin monkeys. Neotropical Primates, 7: 16-20.
11. Youlatos D., Pozo Rivera W.E. (1999). Preliminary observations on the songo songo (dusky titi monkey, Callicebus moloch) of Northeastern Ecuador. Neotropical Primates, 7: 45-46.
12. Youlatos D. (1999). Etude fonctionnelle multivariée de l’astragale et du calcanéum de Mesopithecus pentelici, Wagner 1839 (Cercopithecoidea, Primates). Primatologie, 2: 407-420.
13. Youlatos D. (1999). The schizodactylous grasp of the howling monkey. Zeitschrift für Morphologie und Anthropologie, 82: 187-198.
14. Youlatos D. (2000). Functional anatomy of forelimb muscles in Guianan Atelines (Platyrrhini: Primates). Annales des Sciences Naturelles (Zoologie et Biologie Animale), 21: 137-151.
15. Cant J.G.H., Youlatos D., Rose M.D. (2001). Locomotor behavior of Lagothrix lagothricha and Ateles belzebuth in Yasuni National Park, Ecuador: General patterns and nonsuspensory modes. Journal of Human Evolution, 41: 141-166.
16. Youlatos D. (2001). Locomotion of New World monkeys: Interactions of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Primatologie, 4: 101-125.
17. Youlatos D. (2002). Positional behavior of black spider monkeys (Ateles paniscus) in French Guiana. International Journal of Primatology, 23: 1071-1093.
18. Rocha-Barbosa O., Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P., Renous S. (2002). The clavicular region of some cursorial Cavioidea (Rodentia: Mammalia). Mammalia, 66: 413-421.
19. Youlatos D. (2003). Calcaneal features of the Greek Miocene Primate Mesopithecus pentelicus (Cercopithecoidea: Colobinae). Geobios-Lyon, 36: 229-239.
20. Youlatos D. (2003). Osteological correlates of tail prehensility in carnivorans. Journal of Zoology, London, 259: 423-430.
21. Cant J.G.H., Youlatos D., Rose M.D. (2003). Suspensory locomotion of Lagothrix lagothricha and Ateles belzebuth in Yasuní National Park, Ecuador. Journal of Human Evolution, 44: 685-699.
22. Youlatos D. (2004). A multivariate analysis of organismal and habitat parameters in two neotropical primate communities. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 123: 181- 194.
23. Kitraki E., Kremmyda O., Youlatos D., Alexis M.N., Kittas C. (2004). Gender-dependent alterations in corticosteroid receptor status and spatial performance following 21 days of restraint stress. Neuroscience, 125(1): 47-55.
24. Kitraki E., Kremmyda O., Youlatos D., Alexis M.N., Kittas C. (2004). Spatial performance and corticosteroid receptor status in the 21-day restraint stress paradigm. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1018: 323-327.
25. Youlatos D., Godinot M. (2004). Locomotor adaptations of Plesiadapis tricuspidens and Plesiadapis n. sp. (Mammalia, Plesiadapiformes) as reflected on selected parts of the postcranium. Journal of Anthropological Sciences, 82: 103-118.
26. Migli D., Youlatos D., Iliopoulos Y. (2005). Winter food habits of wolves in central Greece. Journal of Biological Research, 4: 217-220.
27. Chintiroglou C.C., Argyropoulou M.D., Youlatos D., Stergiou K. (2005). Introduction: Assessing biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean region: approaches and applications. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 135(2):105-107.
28. Pozo R. W.E., Youlatos D. (2005). Una metodología rápida y económica: el análisis de la estructura de habitat en estudios primatológicos. Boletín Técnico 5, Serie Zoológica 1: 7- 17.
29. Pozo R. W.E., Youlatos D. (2005). Estudio sinecológico de nueve espécies de primates en el Yasuní, Ecuador. Revista Politécnica, Serie Biologia, 26(1):83-107.
30. Lagaria A., Youlatos D. (2006). Anatomical correlates to scratch-digging in the forelimb of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus). Journal of Mammalogy, 87(3): 563- 570.
31. Karamanlidis A.A., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S., Scouras Z. (2007). A novel approach to documenting the presence of bears in Greece. Ursus, 18(1): 54-61.
32. Youlatos D., Boutsis Y., Pantis J.D., Hadjicharalambous H. (2007). Activity patterns of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in a cultivated field in northern Greece. Mammalia, 71(4): 183-186.
33. Youlatos D., Michael D.E., Tokalaki K. (2008). Positional behavior of Siberian chipmunks (Tamias sibiricus) in captivity. Journal of Ethology, 26(1): 51-60.
34. Youlatos D. (2008). Hallucal grasping behaviour in Caluromys (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae): implications for primate pedal grasping. Journal of Human Evolution, 55: 1096-1101.
35. Petridou M., Sgardelis S., Youlatos D., Mertzanis Y., Alibhai S.K., Jewell Z.C. (2008). Greece: an attempt to identify individual brown bears from their footprints. International Bear News, 17: 16-17.
36. Youlatos D., Koufos G.D. (2010). Locomotor evolution of Mesopithecus (Primates: Colobinae) from Greece: evidence from selected astragalar characters. Primates, 51:23-35.
37. Youlatos D. (2010). Use of zygodactylous grasp by Caluromys philander (Didelphimorphia: Didelphidae). Mammalian Biology, 75: 475-481.
38. Samaras A., Youlatos D. (2010). Use of forest canopy by European red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in northern Greece: claws and the small branch niche. Acta Theriologica, 55(4): 351-360.
39. Youlatos D., Samaras A. (2011). Arboreal locomotor and postural behaviour of European red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in northern Greece. Journal of Ethology, 29(2): 235- 242.
40. Youlatos D., Meldrum J. (2011). Locomotor diversification in New World Monkeys: running, climbing or clawing along evolutionary branches. Anatomical Record-Advances in Integrative Anatomy and Evolutionary Biology, 294: 1991-2012.
41. Youlatos D. (2011). Substrate use and locomotor modes of Neotropical pygmy squirrels, Sciurillus pusillus (E. Geoffroy, 1803) in French Guyana. Zoological Studies, 50(6):745-750.
42. Diakou A., Kapantaidakis E., Youlatos D. (2011). Parasitic fauna of European ground squirrel in Greece. European Section of the Wildlife Disease Association Bulletin: 2011, 2 (7): 5-6.
43. Youlatos D., Couette S., Koufos G.D. (2012). A functional multivariate analysis of Mesopithecus (Primates: Colobinae) humeri from the Turolian of Greece. Journal of Human Evolution, 63: 219-230.
44. Maniakas I., Youlatos D. (2012). Myological adaptations to fast enduring flight in European free-tailed bats, Tadarida teniotis (Molossidae, Chiroptera). Italian Journal of Zoology, 79(4): 574-581.
45. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2013). Positional behavior and substrate use of Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae): Insights for understanding primate origins. Journal of Human Evolution, 64: 130-136.
46. Iliopoulos Y., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S. (2014). Wolf pack rendezvous site selection in Greece is mainly affected by human disturbance-related factors. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 60(1): 23-34.
47. Youlatos D., Panyutina A.A. (2014). Habitual bark gleaning by Cambodian striped squirrels Tamiops rodolphii (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in Cat Tien National Park, South Vietnam. Mammal Study, 39(2): 73-81.
48. Diakou A., Kapantaidakis E., Youlatos D. (2015). Endoparasites of the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in central Macedonia, Greece. Journal of Natural History, 49 (5-8): 359-370
49. Youlatos D., Karantanis N.E., Byron C.D., Panyutina A.A. (2015). Pedal grasping in an arboreal rodent relates to above-branch behavior on slender substrates. Journal of Zoology 296: 239-248
50. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D., Rychlik L. (2015). Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus (Acrobatidae, Diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism. Journal of Human Evolution 86: 43-54
51. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D., Rychlik L. (2016). Corrigendum to "Diagonal gaits in the feathertail glider Acrobates pygmaeus (Acrobatidae, Diprotodontia): insights for the evolution of primate quadrupedalism" [J Hum Evol 86 (2015) 43-54]. Journal of Human Evolution 90: 204-206
52. Diakou A., Psalla D., Migli D., Di Cesare A., Youlatos D., Marcer F., Traversa D. (2016). First evidence of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) as definitive host of Angiostrongylus chabaudi. Parasitology Research 115(3): 1235-1244
53. Ercoli M.D., Youlatos D. (2016). Integrating locomotion, postures and morphology: The case of the tayra, Eira barbara (Carnivora, Mustelidae). Mammalian Biology 81(5): 464- 476
54. Youlatos D., Karantanis N.E., Panyutina A. (2017). Pedal grasping in the northern smooth-tailed treeshrew Dendrogale murina (Tupaiidae, Scandentia): insights for euarchontan pedal evolution. Mammalia 81(1): 61-70
55. Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Herrel A., Youlatos D. (2017). Arboreal gaits in three sympatric rodents Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae) and Myodes glareolus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Mammalian Biology 83: 51-63
56. Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Herrel A., Youlatos D. (2017). Arboreal locomotion of tiny scansorial mammals: the gaits of Eurasian harvest mice Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 327: 38-52
57. Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Herrel A., Youlatos D. (2017). Arboreality in acacia rats (Thallomys paedulcus; Rodentia, Muridae): Gaits and gait metrics. Journal of Zoology 202: 107-119
58. Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Herrel A., Youlatos D. (2017). Comparing the arboreal gaits of Muscardinus avellanarius and Glis glis (Gliridae, Rodentia): a first quantitative analysis. Mammal Study 42 (3): 161-172
59. Xanthopoulou P., Valakos E., Youlatos D., Nikita E. (2018). Assessing the accuracy of cranial and pelvic ageing methods on human skeletal remains from a modern Greek assemblage. Forensic Science International 286: 266.e1-266.e8
60. Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Herrel A., Youlatos D. (2018). Vertical locomotion in Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae): insights into the evolution of eutherian climbing. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 25 (2): 277–289
61. Youlatos D., Moussa D., Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L. (2018). Locomotion, postures, substrate use, and foot grasping in Acrobates pygmaeus (Diprotodontia, Acrobatidae): insights into early euprimate evolution. Journal of Human Evolution 123:148-159
62. Granatosky M.C., Karantanis N.E., Rychlik L., Youlatos D. (2018). A suspensory way of life: integrating locomotion, postures, limb movements and forces in two-toed sloths Choloepus didactylus (Megalonychidae, Folivora, Pilosa). Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A 329(10): 570-588
63. Youlatos D., Widayati K.A., Tsuji Y. (2019). Foot postures and grasping of free-ranging Sunda colugos (Galeopterus variegatus) in West Java, Indonesia. Mammalian Biology 95:164-172
64. Petridou M., Youlatos D., Lazarou Y., Selinides K., Pylidis C., Giannakopoulos A., Kati V., Iliopoulos Y. (2019). Wolf diet and livestock selection in central Greece. Mammalia 83(6): 530-538.
65. Bhandari S., Mawhinney, B.A., Johnson. D, Bhusal D. R., Youlatos D. (2019). Coexistence of humans and leopards in Shivapuri-Nagarjun National Park, Nepal. Russian Journal of Ecology 50(6): 590-592.
66. Nyakatura J., Baumgarten R., Baum D., Stark H., Youlatos D. (2019). Muscle internal structure revealed by contrast-enhanced μCT and fibre recognition: the hindlimb extensors of an arboreal and a fossorial squirrel. Mammalian Biology 99: 71-80.
67. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2020). A new look at the Minoan “blue” monkeys. Antiquity 94 (374): e9, 1-5.
68. Tiesmeyer A., Ramos L., Lucas J.M., Steyer K., Alves P.C., Astaras C., Brix M., Cragnolini M., Domokos C., Hegyeli Z., Janssen R., Kitchener, A.C., Lambinet C., Mestdagh X., Migli, D., Monterroso P., Mulder J.L., Schockert V., Youlatos D., Pfenninger M., Nowak C. (2020). Range-wide patterns of human-mediated hybridisation in European wildcats. Conservation Genetics 21: 247–260
69. Toussaint S., Llamosi A., Morino L., Youlatos D. (2020). The central role of small vertical substrates for the origin of grasping in early primates. Current Biology 30: 1600-1613
70. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2020). On the earliest representations of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): Trading African apes to Bronze Age Elam? International Journal of Primatology 41: 654-663
71. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2020). Occam´s razor, archaeoprimatology, and the "blue" monkeys of Thera: A reply to Pareja et al. (2020). Primates 61(6): 757-765
72. Youlatos D., Panyutina A., Tsinoglou M., Volodin I. (2020). Locomotion and postures of the Vietnamese pygmy dormouse Typhlomys chapensis (Platacanthomyidae, Rodentia): climbing and leaping in the blind. Mammalian Biology 100(5): 485-497
73. Ji X., Youlatos D., Jablonski N.G., Pan R., Zhang C., Li P., Tang M., Yu T., Li W., Deng C., Li S. (2020). Oldest colobine calcaneus from East Asia (Zhaotong, Yunnan, China). Journal of Human Evolution 147: 108622
74. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Kowalewski M. (2020). Postural behavior during sleep in wild howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata, A. macconnelli, and A. caraya): Insights into an ecophysiological mechanism across the genus range. Primate Biology 7: 25-33
75. Thapamagar T., Youlatos D., Bhusal D.R., Bhandari S. (2021). Habitat and nest use by hoary-bellied squirrels (Callosciurus pygerythrus) in central Nepal. Tropical Ecology 62(1): 139-143
76. Bhandari S., Youlatos D., Thapamagar T., Bhusal D.R. (2021). Shrinking striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena Linnaeus, 1758) distribution in Nepal. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67: 10
77. Youlatos D., Granatosky M.C., Al Belbeisi, He G., Guo S., Li B. (2021). Sex differences in habitat use, positional behavior, and gaits of free-ranging Golden Snub-Νosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China. Primates 62(3): 507-519
78. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2021). The Primates of Susa: Depictions of monkeys in stone statuettes from Elam. Ash-Sharq – Bulletin of the Ancient Near East 5: 1-9
79. Granatosky M.C., Amanat S., Panyutina A.A., Youlatos D. (2021). Gait mechanics of a blind echolocating rodent: Implications for the locomotion of small arboreal mammals and proto-bats. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 335: 436-453
80. Ercoli M., Alvarez A., Moyano S.R., Youlatos D., Candela A.M. (2021). Tracing the paleobiology of Paedotherium and Tremacyllus (Pachyrukhinae, Notoungulata), the latest sciuromorph South American native ungulates – Part I: Snout and masticatory apparatus. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 28: 377-409
81. Ercoli M., Alvarez A., Youlatos D., Moyano S.R., Candela A.M. (2021). Tracing the paleobiology of Paedotherium and Tremacyllus (Pachyrukhinae, Notoungulata), the latest sciuromorph South American native ungulates – Part II: orbital, auditory, and occipito-cervical regions. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 28: 411-433
82. Diakou A., Migli D., Dimzas D., Morelli S., Di Cesare A., Youlatos D., Lymberakis P., Traversa D. (2021). Endoparasites of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Greece. Pathogens 10: 594
83. Karmiris Ι., Astaras C., Ioannou K., Vasiliadis I., Youlatos D., Stefanakis N., Chatziefthimiou A.D., Kominos T., Galanaki A. (2021). Estimating livestock grazing activity in remote areas using passive acoustic monitoring. Information 12: 290
84. Rammou D.-L., Kavroudakis D., Youlatos D. (2021) Distribution, population size and habitat characteristics of the endangered European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus, Rodentia, Mammalia) in its southernmost range. Sustainability 13(15): 8411
85. Youlatos D., He G., Guo S., Li B. (2021). Positional behavior, habitat use, and forelimb morphology of Père David's Rock Squirrels Sciurotamias davidianus (Milne-Edwards, 1867) (Sciuridae, Rodentia) in the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China. Mammalian Biology 101: 567–580
86. Binnberg J., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2021). Langurs in the Aegean Bronze Age? A review of a recent debate on archaeoprimatology and animal identification in ancient iconography. Journal of Greek Archaeology 6: 100-127
87. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Binnberg J. (2021). Galilei’s mutter, archeoprimatology, and the ‘blue’ monkeys of Thera: A comment on Pruetz and Greenlaw (2021). Primates 62: 879-886
88. Migli D., Astaras C., Boutsis G., Diakou A., Karantanis N.-E., Youlatos D. (2021). Spatial ecology and diel activity of European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris) in a protected lowland area in northern Greece. Animals 11(11): 3030.
89. Thapamagar T., Bhandari S., Acharya H.R., Awasthi B., Magar K.P., Bhusal D.R., Youlatos D. (2021). Habitat utilization by Alpine musk deer (Moschus chrysogaster) in Khaptad National Park, Nepal. Zoodiversity 55(5): 405-410.
90. Rammou D.L., Astaras C., Migli D., Boutsis G., Galanaki A., Kominos T., Youlatos D. (2022). European ground squirrels at the edge: current distribution status and anticipated impact of climate on Europe’s southernmost population. Land 11(2): 301
91. Matias G., Rosalino L.M., Alves P.C., Tiesmeyer A., Ramos L., Lucas J.M., Steyer K., Astaras C., Brix M., Cragnolini M., Domokos C., Hegyeli Z., Janssen R., Kitchener A.C., Lambinet C., Mestdagh X., Migli D., Mulder J.L., Schockert V., Youlatos D., Pfenninger M., Nowak C., Devillard S., Ruette S., Anile S., Ferreras P., Monterroso P. (2022). Genetic integrity of European wildcats: variation across biomes mandates geographically tailored conservation strategies. Biological Conservation 268: 109518
92. Granatosky M.C., Toussaint S.L.D., Young M.W., Panyutina A., Youlatos D. (2022). The northern treeshrew (Scandentia: Tupaiidae: Tupaia belangeri) in the context of primate locomotor evolution: A comprehensive analysis of gait, positional, and grasping behavior. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A 337(6): 645-665
93. Savvidou A., Tamvakis A., Youlatos D., Kostopoulos D., Spassov N. (2022). Ecomorphology of the late Early Pleistocene badger Meles dimitrius from Greece. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 29: 585–607
94. Bhandari S., Adhikari B., Baral K., Panthi S., Psaralexi M., Kunwar R.M., Thapamagar T., Bhusal D.R., Youlatos D. (2022). Climate change threatens striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) distribution in Nepal. Mammal Research 67: 433–443
95. Yang Y., Youlatos D., Behie A.M., Al Belbeisi R., Huang Z., Tian Y., Wang B., Zhou C., Xiao W. (2022). Locomotion, postures, and canopy use in the Critically Endangered black snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus strykeri in the Gaoligong Mountains, Yunnan, China. Current Zoology 68: 401-409
96. Granatosky M.C., Young M.W.; Herr V.; Chai C.; Raidah A.; Kairo J.N.; Anaekwe A.; Havens A.; Zou B.; Ding B.; Chen C.; De Leon D.; Shah H.; Valentin J.; Hildreth L.; Castro T.; Li T.; Yeung A.; Dickinson E.; Youlatos D. (2022). Parrots of New York: Positional behavior of introduced Quaker parrots (Myiopsitta monachus). Animals 12: 2372.
97. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2023). Simia langobardorum: were African apes traded in late medieval Lombardy? American Journal of Primatology 85(2): e23462
98. Perodaskalaki A., Rammou D.-L., Thapamagar T., Bhandari S., Bhusal D.R., Youlatos D. (2023). Habitat use and positional behavior of Northern Palm squirrels (Funambulus pennantii) in an urban forest in central Nepal. Land 12(3): 690
99. Rammou D.-L., Karaiskou N., Minoudi S., Kazilas C., Gkagkavouzis K., Moulistanos A., Cirovic D., Youlatos D., Triantafyllidis A. (2023). Phylogeography of the European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) in the Balkans. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 139(2): 158-172
100. Konyovska R., Youlatos D., Spassov N. (2023). Terrestriality as reflected in the humerus of Mesopithecus delsoni (Cercopithecidae, Colobinae) from Hadjidimovo, Bulgaria. Journal of Human Evolution 180: 103383
101. Tamvakis A., Savvidou A., Spassov N., Youlatos D., Merceron G., Kostopoulos D. (2023). New Insights on Early Pleistocene Nyctereutes from Southern Balkans based on material from Varshets (Bulgaria) and Dafnero (Greece). Palaeoworld 32: 555-572
102. Moulistanos A., Chatzoglou G., Karaiskou N., Gkagkavouzis K., Minoudi S., Papoulidis I., Alivizatos C., Panagiotopoulou M., Youlatos D., Tsaktsira M., Triantafyllidis A., Scaltsoyiannes A. (2023). Genetic diversity of bat species in the cross-border area of Greece and Bulgaria. Journal of Biological Research-Thessaloniki 30: 6
103. Youlatos D., Urbani B., Binnberg J. (2023). A tailed partial body from the Mycenaean acropolis of Tiryns: The first archaeoprimatological fresco of mainland Europe. European Journal of Archaeology 26(4): 426-444
104. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Binnberg J. (2023). Alighieri’s Paradiso, archeoprimatology, and the ‘blue’ monkeys of Thera (and Knossos): A comment on Masseti (2021). Journal of Anthropological Sciences 101: 201-205
105. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2023). Monkeys for Ashur: An exploration into the representations of primates in Assyria. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 60: 389-437
106. Su D., Kelley J., Flynn L.J., Ji X., Deng C., Deng T., Li P, Li Z., Sanders W.J., Stidham T.A., Sun F., Wang X., Wang Y., Youlatos D., Jablonski N.G. (accepted). Paleoecology and paleobiogeography of the latest Miocene site of Shuitangba, Zhaotong, China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
1. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (1994). A preliminary study of the head-first vertical descent of lianas in the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in French Guiana. In: Current Primatology. Vol. I: Ecology and Evolution. Thierry B., Anderson J.R., Roeder J.J., Herrenschmidt N. (eds). Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, pp. 203-210.
2. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (2001). Comparative positional behaviour of five primates. In Nouragues: Dynamics and Plant-Animal Interactions in a Neotropical Rain Forest. Bongers F., Charles-Dominique P., Forget M., Théry M. (eds). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 103-114.
3. Youlatos D. (2008). Locomotion and positional behavior of Ateles. In Spider Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology and Evolution of the Genus Ateles. C.J. Campbell (ed). Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, pp. 185-219.
4. Youlatos D. (2009). Locomotion, postures, and habitat use by pygmy marmosets (Cebuella pygmaea). In The Smallest Anthropoids: The Marmoset/Callimico Radiation. Ford S.M., Porter L.M., Davis L.C. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York: 279-297.
5. Γιουλάτος Δ. (2009). Spermophilus citellus. In Το Κόκκινο Βιβλίο των Απειλούμενων Ζώων της Ελλάδας. Λεγάκις Α., Μαραγκού Π. (επιμ.). Ελληνική Ζωολογική Εταιρεία, Αθήνα: 403-405.
6. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (2011). Gait and kinematics of arboreal quadrupedal walking in free ranging red howlers (Alouatta seniculus) in French Guiana. In Primate Locomotion: Linking Field and Laboratory Research. D’Août K., Vereecke E.E. (eds). Springer Verlag, New York: 271-287.
7. Zaluar M.T., Loguercio M.F.C., Rangel C.H., Rocha-Barbosa O., Youlatos D. (2014). Comportamento locomotor e postural de Callithrix jacchus (Linnaeus, 1758). In A Primatologia no Brasil. Vol. 13. Passos F.C., Miranda J.M.D. (eds.). Sociedade Brasileira de Primatologia, Curitiba, pp. 290-301.
8. Kowalewski M.M., Graber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2015). Why is it important to continue studying howler monkeys? In Howler Monkeys: Adaptive Radiation, Systematics and Morphology. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 3-17.
9. Youlatos D., Couette S., Halenar L. (2015) Morphology of howler monkeys. In Howler Monkeys: Adaptive Radiation, Systematics and Morphology. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 133-176
10. Youlatos D., Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L. (2015) New challenges in the study of howler monkey anatomy, physiology, sensory ecology and evolution. In Howler Monkeys: Adaptive Radiation, Systematics and Morphology. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 403-414.
11. Kowalewski M.M., Graber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2015). Why is it important to continue studying howler monkeys? In Howler Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 3-17.
12.Youlatos D., Guillot D. (2015). Positional behavior of howler monkeys. In Howler Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (eds.). Springer Verlag, New York, pp. 191-218.
13. Youlatos D. (2017). Bridging. In International Encyclopedia of Primatology, Fuentes A. (ed.), Wiley, New York, pp. 135-136.
14. Youlatos D. (2017). Suspensory Posture. In International Encyclopedia of Primatology, Fuentes A. (ed.), Wiley, New York, pp. 1353-1354.15. Youlatos D. (2022). Catarrhine Morphology. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Vonk J., Shackelford T.K. (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 1062-1069.
16. Youlatos D. (2022). Clambering. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Vonk J., Shackelford T.K. (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 1425-1427.
17. Youlatos D. (2022). Platyrrhine Locomotion. In Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Vonk J., Shackelford T.K. (eds.). Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 5367-5375.
18. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Antczak A. (2022). World Archaeoprimatology: An Introduction. In World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Nonhuman Primates in the Past. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Antczak A. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-9.
19. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2022). Minoan monkeys: Re-examining the archaeoprimatological evidence. In World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Nonhuman Primates in the Past. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Antczak A. (eds.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 225-279.
1. Chintiroglou C.C., Papaconstantinou C., Argyropoulou M.D., Youlatos D., Vafidis D. (2002). Abstracts of the 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Hellenic Zoological Society, Thessaloniki, 176 pp
2. Chintiroglou C.C., Argyropoulou M.D., Youlatos D., Stergiou K. (2005). Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Belgian Journal of Zoology 135 (supplement 1), 181 pp (ISSN: 0777-6276)
3. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés-Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2015). Howler Monkeys: Adaptive Radiation, Systematics and Morphology. Springer Verlag, New York, 540 pp (ISBN: 978-1-4939-1956-7)
4. Kowalewski M., Garber P.A., Cortés-Ortiz L., Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2015). Howler Monkeys: Behavior, Ecology and Conservation. Springer Verlag, New York, 520 pp (ISBN: 978-1-4939-1959-8)
5. Tsikliras A., Dimarchopoulou D., Youlatos D. (2019). Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions. Hellenic Zoological Society, Thessaloniki, 203 pp
6. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Antczak A. (2022). World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Non-Human Primates in the Past. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 566 pp. (ISBN: 9781108766500)
1. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (1992). A preliminary study of the head-first vertical descent of lianas in the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in a primary rain forest in French Guiana. XIV Congress of the International Primatological Society, 16-21 August 1992, Strasbourg, FRANCE.
2. Youlatos D. (1994). Observations préliminaires sur la locomotion et les postures des tamarins à mains dorées (Saguinus m. midas) de la Guyane française. VI Congrès de la Société Francophone de la Primatologie, 13-14 October 1994, Montpellier, FRANCE.
3. Youlatos D. (1994). La marche arboricole chez le singe hurleur roux (Alouatta seniculus). XI Réunion du Club Locomotion: Locomotion et Motricité Rythmique-Approche Multidisciplinaire, 20-21 October 1994, Paris, FRANCE.
4. Cant J.G.H., Rose M.D., Schmitt D., Turnquist J.E., Youlatos D. (1996). Field and controlled observations of the positional behavior of Lagothrix and Ateles. LXV Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 9-13 April 1996, Durham, NC, USA.
5. Cant J.G.H., Youlatos D., Rose M.D. (1997). Postural behavior of Lagothrix lagothricha and Ateles belzebuth in Amazonian Ecuador. LXVI Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 1-5 April 1997, St. Louis, MI, USA.
6. Rocha-Barbosa O., Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P., Renous S., Gerhardt M. (2000). Estudo comparado da clavícula reduzida nos roedores caviómorfos em relação aos artiodáctilos. 52 Reunião Annual de la Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da Ciência, 20-24 July 2000, Brasilia, BRAZIL.
7. Rocha-Barbosa O., Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P., Renous S., Gerhardt M. (2000). O papel da clavícula nos roedores caviómorfos e sua ausência nos artiodáctilos. Integração da Morphologia Luso-Brasileira, 27-31 August 2000, Goiania, BRAZIL.
8. Boutsis Y., Youlatos D., Pantis J.D. (2002). Burrow strategies of European sousliks (Spermophilus citellus) in Northern Greece. 9th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 22-25 May 2002, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
9. Kremmyda O., Youlatos D., Kittas C., Kitraki E. (2002). Influence of the hippocampal corticosteroid status in spatial learning and memory: effects of stress and gender. 3rd Forum of European Neuroscience, 13-17 July 2002, Paris, FRANCE.
10. Boutsis Y., Youlatos D., Hadjicharalambous H., Pantis J.D. (2002). Behaviour of European ground squirrels (Spermophilus citellus) in Northern Greece. International Conference on the Ecology and Conservation of the European Souslik (Spermophilus citellus), 25-28 Octobre 2002, Madjarovo, BULGARIA.
11. Kitraki E., Kremmyda O., Youlatos D., Kittas C. (2003). Spatial performance and cotricosteroid receptor status in the 21-day restraint stress paradigm. 8th symposium on Catecholamines and Other Neurotransmitters in Stress, 28 Juin-3 Juillet 2003, Smolenice, SLOVAK REPUBLIC.
12. Youlatos D., Godinot M. (2004). Locomotor adaptations of Plesiadapis (Mammalia: Plesiadapiformes) as reflected on selected parts of the postcranium. XX Congress of the International Primatological Society, 22-28 August 2004, Torino, ITALIA.
13. Youlatos D. (2005). Locomotion, postures and habitat use by pygmy marmosets (Cebuella pygmaea). LXXIV Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 6-9 April 2005, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
14. Karamanlidis A., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S., Scouras Z. (2006). A new innovative method for studying bears in Greece. 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 26-30 June 2006, Patras, GREECE.
15. Migli D., Youlatos D. (2006). Habitat utilization and activity patterns of an isolated population of fallow deer (Dama dama) in the island of Lemnos, north-eastern Aegean. 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 26-30 June 2006, Patras, GREECE.
16. Tzomos Th., Youlatos D., Legakis A. (2006). The diversity of the terrestrial mammalian fauna of Greece: analysis and perspectives. 10th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 26-30 June 2006, Patras, GREECE.
17. Migli D., Youlatos D. (2007). Effects of high population pressure and human disturbance on social structure, behaviour and habitat utilization of fallow deer (Dama dama) on the island of Lemnos, North-eastern Aegean, Greece. 5th European Congress of Mammalogy, 21-26 September 2007, Siena, ITALIA.
18. Karamanlidis A.A., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S., Scouras Z. (2007). Marking behavior of brown bears in Greece. 18th International Conference Association on Bear Research and Management. 4–10 November 2007, Monterrey, MEXICO.
19. Karamanlidis A.A., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S., Scouras Z. (2007). Marking behaviour as a conservation tool for Ursus arctos. Vth International Congress on Wild Fauna, 22-27 September 2007, Porto Carras, GREECE.
20. Youlatos D., Gasc J.-P. (2008). Gait and kinematics in free ranging red howlers (Alouatta seniculus) in French Guiana. XXII Congress of the International Primatological Society, 3-8 August 2008, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND.
21. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D. (2009). Feeding manipulative behavior in free ranging silvery woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii). 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 31 March-3 April 2009, Chicago IL, U.S.A.
22. Youlatos D., Tokalaki K., Koufos G.D. (2009). Locomotor adaptations of the humerus of Mesopithecus pentelicus and M. cf. delsoni from Greece. 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 31 March-3 April 2009, Chicago IL, U.S.A.
23. Samaras A., Youlatos D. (2009). Use of forest canopy by European red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris L.) in northern Greece. 11th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 21-25 September 2009, Heraklion, GREECE.
24. Petridou M., Youlatos D., Sgardelis S. (2009). Individual identification of brown bears from their footprints. 11th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 21-25 September 2009, Heraklion, GREECE.
25. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D. (2009). Feeding manipulative behavior in free ranging silvery woolly monkeys (Lagothrix poeppigii). 2009 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Primate Interest Group, 9-10 October 2009, Allendale MI, U.S.A.
26. Zaluar M.T., Rocha-Barbosa O., Loguercio M.F., Rangel C.H., Youlatos D. (2010). Utilização do habitat, locomoção e postura de Callithrix jacchus Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia, Primates). V Congresso Brasileiro de Mastozoologia, 19-23 September 2010, São Pedro SP, BRAZIL.
27. Youlatos D., Urbani B. (2010). Extant mammalian models for understanding primate origins: the case of harvest mice (Micromys minutus). Meeting of the FNRS Contact Group “Primatology” and the Belgian Group for Primatology, 11 October 2010, Bruxelles, ΒELGIUM.
28. Maniakas I., Youlatos D. (2011). Myological adaptations to fast enduring flight in European free-tailed bats, Tadarida teniotis. 9th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Vertebrate Paleontologists 14-19 June 2011, Herakleion, GREECE.
29. Petridou M., Youlatos D., Mertzanis Y., Iliopoulos Y., Sgardelis S. (2011). Tracking down bears in Greece: a simple non-invasive method for individual identification. 20th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 17-23 June 2011, Ottawa, CANADA.
30. Diakou A., Kapantaidakis E., Youlatos D. (2011). High prevalence of Eimeria spp. infection in European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in northern Greece. IV Conference of the Scandinavian-Baltic Society for Parasitology, 19-22 June 2011, Oslo, NORWAY.
31. Youlatos D., Serletis S. (2011). Feeding manipulative behaviour in free ranging red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus). IV Congress of the European Federation for Primatology, 14-17 September 2011, Almada, PORTUGAL.
32. Urbani B., Youlatos D., Kowalewski M.M. (2011). Postural behaviour during sleep in wild howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata, A. macconnelli, and A. caraya): an assessement across the genus range. XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Primatologia, 13-16 December 2011, Curitiba, PR, BRAZIL.
33. Theodoropoulou P, Youlatos D. (2012). Prevalence of stereotypies amongst thoroughbred race horses (Equus caballus) in Greece. 2nd International Equine Science Meeting, 16-19 March 2012, Regensburg, GERMANY.
34. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2012). Aegean monkeys: from a comprehensive review to a re- interpretation. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 18-22 June 2012, Athens, GREECE.
35. Astaras C., Youlatos D., Marino J. (2012). Modelling the potential distribution of the European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in central Macedonia, Greece, using the maximum entropy algorithm. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 18-22 June 2012, Athens, GREECE.
36. Diakou A., Kapantaidakis E., Youlatos D. (2012). Preliminary results from the investigation of the parasitic fauna of European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in Greece. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 18-22 June 2012, Athens, GREECE.
37. Tritsis K., Bratsioti S., Kallimanis A., Poirazidis K., Youlatos D. (2012). General morphology and spatial distribution of burrow entrances of the microtine rodent Microtus guentheri (Dandford & Alston, 1880) in the National Park of Dadia-Lefkimi-Soufli forest. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 18-22 June 2012, Athens, GREECE.
38. Youlatos D., Nakatsukasa M., Kunimatsu Y. (2013). Early colobine adaptations: functional morphology of the elbow in Microcolobus from Nakali, Kenya. European Federation for Primatology Meeting 2013, 10-13 September 2013, Antwerp, BELGIUM.
39. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2013). On the posture and locomotion of Micromys minutus: a living model for understanding primate origins. European Federation for Primatology Meeting 2013, 10-13 September 2013, Antwerp, BELGIUM.
40. Godinot M., Toussaint S., Youlatos D. (2015). Functional morphology of metapodials and phalanges of Plesiadapis tricuspidens from the Paleogene of France. 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, 25-28 Αυγούστου 2015, Roma, ΙΤΑΛΙΑ. Folia Primatologica 86: p. 288.
41. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D., Rychlik L. (2015). Primate quadrupedal walk evolution: Lessons from the diagonal gaits of the feathertail marsupial glider Acrobates pygmaeus (Acrobatidae, Diprotodontia). 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, 25-28 August 2015, Roma, ΙTALY. Folia Primatologica 86: p. 303-304.
42. Youlatos D., Panuytina A. (2015). Pedal grasping modes of the Northern Smooth-tailed Treeshrew Dendrogale murina: insights for the evolution of primate pedal grasping. 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, 25-28 August 2015, Roma, ITALY. Folia Primatologica 86: p. 384.
43. Diakou A., Migli D., Di Cesare A., Psalla D., Youlatos D., Traversa D. (2015). Angiostrongylus chabaudi in European wildcat: first evidence of definitive host. 13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 7-11 October 2015, Herakleion, GREECE. 13th ICZEGAR Abstracts: p. 26.
44. Karantanis N.E., Youlatos D., Rychlik L. (2015). Arboreal adaptations in Eurasian Harvest Mice Micromys minutus. 13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 7-11 October 2015, Herakleion, GREECE 13th ICZEGAR Abstracts: p. 52.
45. Diakou A., Migli D., Di Cesare A., Psalla D., Youlatos D., Traversa D. (2015). First report of Cylicospirura sp. in European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Greece. 13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 7-11 October 2015, Herakleion, GREECE. 13th ICZEGAR Abstracts: p. 108.
46. Papadatou E., Youlatos D., Migli D., Lysitsa G., Mitsainas G.P. (2015). Bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) of Cephalonia Island, Greece. 13th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 7-11 October 2015, Herakleion, GREECE. 13th ICZEGAR Abstracts: p. 160.
47. Diakou A., Migli D., Di Cesare A., Psalla D., Youlatos D., Traversa D. (2016). Angiostrongylus chabaudi: first description of the diagnostic stage and confirmation of European wildcat as definitive host. Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days, 11-13 July 2016, Vienna, ΑUSTRIA. Parasites & Vectors 10 (suppl.): p 18-19.
48. Toussaint S., Godinot M., Youlatos D. (2016). Functional analysis of hand and foot metapodials and phalanges of Plesiadapis tricuspidens (Plesiadapiformes, Plesiadapoidea; Paleocene, France). Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 76th Annual Meeting, 26-29 October 2016, Salt Lake City, USA. SVP Meeting Program & Abstracts: p. 238
49. Dagla M., Youlatos D. (2017) The elbow of Mesopithecus pentelicus (Colobinae, Primates) from Pikermi, Attica, Greece: A morphometric approach. 2nd International Meeting of Early Stage Researchers in Palaeontology, 19-22 May 2017, Sigri, Lesvos, GREECE. 2IMERP Book of Abstracts: p. 159
50. Toussaint S., Youlatos D. (2017). Pedal and manual postures during locomotion on various substrates in strepsirhine and haplorhine primates. 7th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, 21-25 August 2017, Strasbourg, FRANCE. Folia Primatologica 88: p.106.
51. Dagla M., Youlatos D. (2017). The elbow of Mesopithecus pentelicus from Pikermi, Attica (Greece). 15th Congress of the Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene Stratigraphy. 3-6 September 2017, Athens, GREECE.
52. Kominos T., Galanaki A., Bukas N., Youlatos D. (2018). Golden jackal (Canis aureus Linnaeus 1758) distribution in western Greece: an update. 2nd International Jackal Symposium. 31 October-2 November 2018, Marathon Bay, GREECE.
53. Kominos T., Galanaki A., Youlatos D., Astaras C. (2018). Preliminary findings on the impact of dogs on wild canid occupancy in Western Greece. 2nd International Jackal Symposium. 31 October-2 November 2018, Marathon Bay, GREECE.
54. Astaras C., Stefanakis N., Skias G., Kehagioglou S., Ioannou K., Karmiris I., Kominos T., Galanaki A., Youlatos D. (2019). Passive acoustic monitoring: development and assessment of automated detection algorithms. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 27-30 June 2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14: 19.
55. Diakou A., Migli D., Dimzas D., Di Cesare A., Youlatos D., Lymberakis P., Traversa D. (2019). Parasites of European wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) in Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 27-30 June 2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14: 42.
56. Migli D., Astaras C., Youlatos D. (2019). Predicting habitat suitability for the European wildcat Felis silvestris silvestris in Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 27-30 June 2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14: 117.
57. Youlatos D., Galanaki A., Kominos T., Astaras C., Tsiaras D., Zachariadis A., Stefanakis N., Spyridakis G. (2019). Application of ground-based optical and acoustic sensors and use of information technology for the monitoring of fauna and human activities in protected areas of Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 27-30 June 2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE. Proceedings of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions 14: 173.
58. Toussaint S., Youlatos D. (2019). Influence of substrate type on hand and foot postures in arboreal mammals: Implications for the origin of grasping in primates. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 21-25 July 2019, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Journal of Morphology 280 S1: 543-544.
59. Youlatos D. (2019). Locomotor behavior of small arboreal mammals or how to cope with twigs, branches, and boughs. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 21- 25 July 2019, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Journal of Morphology 280 S1: 544.
60. Maniakas I., Youlatos D. (2019). Tail prehension in small mammals. 12th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, 21-25 July 2019, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC. Journal of Morphology 280 S1: 546.
61. Toussaint S., Youlatos D., Nyakatura J. (2021). Vertical locomotion and associated manual and pedal postures in small mammals. Implications for early primate evolution. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Virtual Annual Meeting 2021, 3 January-28 February 2021.
62. Pozo Rivera WE, Youlatos D. (2022). Male responses to characteristics of fruit production in a fission-fusion group of spider monkeys. XXVIII International Primatological Society Congress, 9-15 January 2022, Quito, ECUADOR.
63. Astaras C., Migli D., Karmiris I., Pleniou M., Mitsainas G.P., Youlatos D. (2022). Distribution and habitat use by sympatric dormice species in two Natura 2000 sites in central Macedonia, Greece. 11th International Dormouse Conference 2022, 9-13 May 2022, Svelingrad, BULGARIA. ARPHA Conference Abstracts 5: e82802
64. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2022). Contextualizando a los monos minoicos: Interconexiones entre el antiguo Egipto y el Egeo de la Edad del Bronce. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Egiptología. 5-7 September 2022, Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA.
65. Galanaki A., Kominos T., Youlatos D., Campbell-Palmer R., Schwab G., Puttock A., Gow D., Politis G., Jones N., Dimitrakopoulos P.G., Zogaris S., Lymberakis P. (2022). Preparatory actions for the reintroduction of the Eurasian Beaver Castor fiber in Greece. 9th International Beaver Symposium (9IBS), 18-22 September 2022, Brasov, ROMANIA.
66. Synapalos A., Diakou A., Youlatos D., Mertzanis Y., Sgardelis S. (2022). Gastrointestinal parasites of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in an East Mediterranean population. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR: 46.
67. Karoulis C., Astaras C., Youlatos D. (2022). Small mammal assemblages in the urban habitats of Thessaloniki, Greece. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR: 75.
68. Konyovska R., Youlatos D., Spassov N. (2022). Locomotor evolution of Late Miocene Mesopithecus (Primates: Cercopithecidae: Colobinae) as reflected in the fossil femora from Hadjidimovo (Bulgaria). 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR: 76.
69. Moulistanos A., Chatzoglou G., Karaiskou N., Gkagkavouzis K., Minoudi S., Papoulidis I., Alivizatos C., Panagiotopoulou M., Youlatos D., Tsaktsira M., Triantafyllidis A., Scaltsoyiannes A. (2022). DNA barcoding identification of bat species from Greece and Bulgaria. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR: 83.
70. Rammou D.-L., Youlatos D., Diakou A. (2022). Observations on seasonality of Eimeria spp. faecal shedding intensity in Spermophilus citellus populations from Greece. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE. Abstracts of the International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions, 15th ICZEGAR: 99.
71. Kominos T., Galanaki A., Kiamos N., Oikonomakis N., Astaras C., Karmiris I., Youlatos D. (2022). Spatial distribution of large mammals and human activities in Rhodope Mountain Range using camera traps and field surveys. 15th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (15ICZEGAR), 12-15 October 2022, Mytilene, GREECE.
72. Kominos T., Galanaki A., Kiamos N., Oikonomakis N., Youlatos D. (2022). The reintroduction of the Balkan Lynx in Greece: Would it be feasible or not? EUROLYNX Meeting, 10-14 October 2022, Eisenach, GERMANY.
73. Youlatos D., Jablonski N.G., Kelley J., Ji X. (2022). The evolutionary and biogeographic significance of the colobine monkey, Mesopithecus pentelicus, at Shuitangba locality, China. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology 82nd Annual Meeting, 2-5 November 2022. Toronto, CANADA.
74. Youlatos D., Pylarinos D., Karantanis N.-E., Rychlik L. (2022). Locomotion, postures, and substrate use in captive pygmy slow lorises (Xanthonycticebus pygmaeus): implications for conservation. 8th Asian Primate Symposium, 13-16 November 2022, Ha Noi, VIETNAM.
75. Urbani B., Youlatos D. (2023). An exploration into the representations of nonhuman primates in Assyria. 68eme Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale, 17-20 July 2023, Leiden, NETHERLANDS. RAI 68 Abstracts: 246.
76. Urbani, B., Youlatos, D. (2023). Depicting monkeys in the Bronze Age Aegean islands: African primates, ancient Egypt, and the Minoans. XIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists, 6-11 August 2023. Leiden, NETHERLANDS. Book of Abstracts of the XIIIth International Congress of Egyptologists: 357.