Research Projects & Fellowships
1. National Scholarship Foundation, Greece: Scholarship of excellence (1986)
2. SYNTHESYS, European Union: Postcranial Morphology of Plesiadapis (Mammalia: Plesiadapiformes): locomotor and phylogenetic implications (2000)
3. Municipality of Myrina, Lemnos, Greece: Management of an isolated population of fallow deer (Dama dama, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) on the island of Lemnos, NE Greece (2005-2006)
4. Municipality of Myrina, Lemnos, Greece: Monitoring of an isolated population of fallow deer (Dama dama, Artiodactyla, Mammalia) on the island of Lemnos, NE Greece (2008-2009 )
5. European Union: Mobility Fellowship to Cayenne, Guyane française (2009)
6. National Scholarship Foundation, Greece: Mobility Fellowship to Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland (2011)
7. National Scholarship Foundation, Greece: Mobility Fellowship to Royal Museum for Central Africa at Tervuren, Belgium (2012)
8. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Greece: Monitoring and assessment of the conservation status of mammal species of EU interest in the area of competence of the Management Authority of the Lakes Koroneia and Volvi (2012-2015)
9. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan: Short Term Fellowship to University of Kyoto (2013)
10. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Greece: Monitoring of mammals in the National Park of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. (2013-2015)
11. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Greece: Monitoring and assessment of mammals of EU interest: The European Ground Squirrel (2013-2015)
12. EU Window Chinese Government Scholarship,. China: Positional Behavior of Snub-Nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus spp.) in China: Evolutionary and Adaptive significance (2017)
13. General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Greece: Application of ground-based optical and acoustic sensors and use of information technology for the monitoring of fauna and human activities in protected areas of Greece (2018-2021).
14. Ministry of Environment and Energy, Greece: Preparation for a Specific Environmental Study and Management Plan for the Natura 2000 areas in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace (2019-2021)
15. EPEAEK, Greece: Assessment of the home range behavior of wildcats (Felis silvestris silvestris) through radio-tracking in protected areas of northern Greece (2019-2020)
16. YMEPERAA, Greece: Monitoring of the species Spermophilus citellus (European Ground Squirrel) (2020-2021)
17. YMEPERAA, Greece: Monitoring of the populations of the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) within the area of responsibility of the Management Body of Protected Areas of Thermaikos Gulf and assessment of the priorities of its management (2020-2021)
18. PEP, Greece: Assessment of habitat suitability for the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) within the area of responsibility of the Management Body of Protected Areas of Thermaikos Gulf (2021-2023)
19. YMEPERAA, Greece: Services of a specialist in providing the know-how and genetic identification of the species Lutra lutra – otter (2021-2023)
20. Beaver Trust, UK: Preparatory actions for the reintroduction of the beaver Castor fiber in Greece (2021-2023)
21. PEP, Greece: Evaluation of the habitat suitability of European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) in the area of the Management Body of Protected Areas of Thermaikos Gulf (2021-2023)
22. YMEPERAA, Greece: Implementation of management actions for the protection and conservation of the populations of the European ground squirrels and of their habitats in the entirety of the areas under the boundaries of the former management body of the protected areas of Thermaikos Gulf (2022-2023)
23. OFYPEKA, Greece: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Conservation Status of Mammal Species of Community Interest in Greece: European ground squirrel (Spermophilus citellus) and Hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) (2022-2024)
24. GREEN FUND, Greece: Assessing the application of environmental DNA to record and monitor terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity (2022-2024)
1. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France: Action Spécifique Guyane (1992-1993 - PI: J.-P. Gasc, M.N.H.N., France).
2. National Science Foundation SBR-922256, USA: Positional Behavior and Postcranial Morphology of Large-bodied New World Primates (1995-1996 - PI: J.G.H Cant, University of Puerto Rico, USA).
3. National Research Institute and School of Medicine, National University of Athens, Greece: Spatial Memory, MCRs and GCRs : gender differences following stress in the Morris Water Maze, (2000 - PI: E. Kitraki, National University of Athens, Greece).
4. W.W.F. Hellas, Greece: Census and Monitoring of small terrestrial Mammals in the Dadia National Reserve, NE Greece (2003-2007 - PI: K. Poirazidis, Zakynthos Technical University, Greece)
5. Cyprus Public Service for the Environment, Cyprus: Management Plan for two NATURA 2000 areas in Cyprus: (a) Madari-Papoutsa & (b) Limnatis (2006-2007 - PI: T. Zhangas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).
6. Cyprus Public Service for the Environment, Cyprus: Management Plan for five NATURA 2000 areas in Cyprus: (a) Mavrokolymbos, (b) Kritou-Marottou, (c) Episkopi Morou Nerou, (d) Drymou, & (e) Akrotiri Aspro-Petra Romiou (2009-2010 - PI: T. Zhangas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece).
7. Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan: Morphological Study of Miocene Cercopithecoid Tarsal Bones in Kenya (2012-PI: M. Nakatsukasa, University of Kyoto, Japan).
8. Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change, Greece: Census, monitoring and sustainable management of the fauna of the Ainos National Park, and the wider area of the Prefecture of Kefalonia and Ithaca (2012-2015 - PI: A. Sfougaris, University of Thessaly, Greece).
9. Rufford Foundation, UK: Ecological Assessment and Conservation Initiatives of Hispid hare (Caprolagus hispidus) in Suklaphata National Nark, Nepal (2018 - D. Joshi, Tribhuvan University, Nepal).
10. Functional Morphology of Primate Postcrania from Yunnan. Chinese Academy of Sciences, China: (PI: XP. Ji, Yunnan Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, China)
11. Análisis morfo-funcional y macro-evolutivo de la anatomía muscular de los mamíferos de América del Sur: singularidades y convergencias en un marco comparativo (2019-2021 - PI: A. Alvarez, CONICET, Argentina)