Mammalian arboreality: adaptive significance of morphological and kinematic correlates to habitat structure. Testing the small branch niche structural features as the habitat that promoted early primate evolution using small arboreal mammals (marsupials, rodents, shrews) as models
Claws and nails in the small branch niche. Investigating the adaptive significance of functional claws within the arboreal environment using arboreal squirrels as models
Evolution and adaptive significance of primate locomotor and postural behavior
Positional behavior of cebid platyrrhines and their importance in assessing the evolution of locomotor ecology of early platyrrhine radiations
Morphofunctional evolution of fossil African and Eurasian Colobines, paleo-ecological inferences and assessing their importance within the evolutionary history of modern Asian and African Colobines. Locomotor evolution of early primates sensu largo (Plesiadapids) and their role in the emergence of primates of modern aspect
Behavioral ecology and conservation of mammals in Greece